National Storytelling Week

17 January 2018

To celebrate ‘National Story Telling Week’ the children will be encouraged to re-tell, in their own words, favourite stories which they have read or had told to them by parents or grandparents. Alternatively, we would welcome stories which children create themselves. Although the activities will be based primarily in classrooms we hope that some of our pupils will tell their stories in special Key Stage assemblies.

Our story telling week will run from Monday 29th January to Friday 2nd February. The stories should be no longer than 2 – 4 minutes in length and may be accompanied by sound effects, props etc.

We hope, also, that some parents and grandparents will become involved by visiting school to tell a story to a class or year group of children. Should you be interested in participating in National Story Telling Week please complete the reply slip and return to school by Thursday 25th January.