P7 Cycling proficiency and P7 Hockey afterschool club

22 April 2021

P7 Cycling proficiency

We are going to offering cycling proficiency to pupils in Primary 7 and it will take place in late June during school hours and will be led by Miss Anderson. There will be no cost to participating in cycling proficiency. Miss Anderson is our qualified cycling proficiency teacher. Miss Anderson will work with small groups at a time and will teach both the Road Safety theory and the practical element. Pupils need to complete 12 hours of cycling proficiency to qualify for their certificate.  

Pupils who wish to participate must have a cycling helmet and a bicycle which has:
•working brakes
•working bell/horn
•roadworthy tyres

Cycling proficiency will take place in late June during school hours. Please complete the online booking form below by clicking on the link if your child wishes to participate. 


P7 Hockey afterschool club

We have asked P7 what other afterschool club they would like to participate in. We are keen to listen to the interests of our pupils and have therefore set up a hockey afterschool club on a Wednesday afternoon for P7 pupils. This will be a fun afterschool club for both P7 boys and P7 girls. It will begin on Wednesday 28th April and run for 6 weeks. The last day will be Wednesday 9th June and there will be no hockey club on Wednesday 12th May. The cost for the afterschool club is £10 for 6 weeks. Pupils should wear shin guards and a gum shield. Pupils can bring in their own hockey stick but we have lots of hockey sticks in school that pupils can borrow. Click on the link to register your interest and book a place for your child in the hockey club (please note that the places are on a first come first served place):


Payment for afterschool clubs can be paid online using 'ParentPay' or you can bring in cash/cheque to school in a sealed envelope. Please note that spaces come on a first come first served basis.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Taylor