The Curriculum and Areas of Learning

The school aims to provide a broad, balanced curriculum in line with recent educational reforms. It is our policy to provide adequate opportunities for our children to: 

• Communicate clearly and confidently 
• Read fluently, accurately and with understanding 
• Acquire basic mathematical understanding of appropriate mathematical concepts 
• Acquire knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live 
• Develop qualities of mind, body, spirit, feeling and imagination. 

The N.I. Curriculum is taught in three stages: children in Years 1 & 2 Foundation Stage; Years 3 & 4 are in Key Stage One whilst those in Years 5, 6 and 7 are in Key Stage Two. 
The assessment of pupils’ progress is made using continuous assessment by the class teacher, which includes weekly and termly/yearly tests and the results of external and standardised tests.