Welcome back - new starting school arrangements!
Please access the link below to read the detailed opening arrangements for all pupils in our Nurs...
Beach Schools training for staff
Our staff had a fantastic joint training session with St Colum’s Primary School led by Beach Sc...
Hockey Blitz
🏑 After more than a year without the chance to play against other schools, today our girls’ hoc...
School Summer Scheme details announced!
We are delighted to be able to offer a Junior and Senior Summer Scheme for our pupils this summer...
Polytunnel fun for P1
P1 really enjoyed a trip to the polytunnel this afternoon to pick the peas they planted a few mon...
June dinner menu
Click on link below or the picture to view the dinner menu for June 2021. Â June 2021.pdf
Yellow - Cromore House wins on Sports Day
Well done to the Yellow house (Cromore) who won overall the most House points across all of our S...
Polytunnel success!
Our sweetcorn , strawberries , cucumbers , tomatoes and potatoes are all growing well in our...
Healthy strong teeth!
Nursery had some special visitors into outdoor garden area. A pupil’s daddy and his dental nurse ...