Parentline NI running free confidential one to one sessions with parents
Parentline NI running free confidential one to one sessions with a Parent Support Officer. There ...
Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service in Portstewart on Thursday 8th October 2020
Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service are at Burnside Presbyterian Church on Thursday 8th...
Care for the Family free online events for parents
Care for the Family free online events for parents Care for the Family are a national charity whi...
Healthy breaks and lunches!
We encourage all our pupils to bring in healthy breaks and lunches into school. Click on the link...
Calling all Budding Young Authors!
Please check out the following link to find out about an exciting and touching writing competitio...
Family Support Hubs
๐In school we can help our families receive some extra support via the Family Support Hub. ๐The F...
New update from the Department of Education
Lunch menu - week beginning 28th September 2020
Lunch Menu for week beginning 28th September Please find below the lunch menu for the week beginn...
Paula McIntyre coming to visit our school Polytunnel !
This week our school was delighted to welcome Paula McIntyre who came to visit our school Polyt...