Accelerated Reader Word Millionaire in P5!
Congratulations to this P5 pupil for becoming an Accelerated Reader Word Millionaire!
PTA annual general meeting
We hope to hold a PTA annual general meeting on Monday 11th October...
P4 Lego and K’Nex afterschool club
P4 having great fun at Lego and K’Nex afterschool club! Today we designed and built our own zoo o...
Action Mental Health workshops in P3/4 and P4!
P3/4 really loved taking part in our Action Mental Health sessions last week The children enjoye...
PE timetable
Please find below the details of which day your child/children will be having PE lessons: 𝗡𝘂𝗿...
P4 are enjoying being back to school!
Primary 4 had a great first week back. Lots of happy faces!
Welcome back - new starting school arrangements!
Please access the link below to read the detailed opening arrangements for all pupils in our Nurs...
Beach Schools training for staff
Our staff had a fantastic joint training session with St Colum’s Primary School led by Beach Sc...
Hockey Blitz
🏑 After more than a year without the chance to play against other schools, today our girls’ hoc...