P5 Outdoor learning lesson exploring our local area!
P5 had a fantastic time on their outdoor learning lesson this morning around Portstewart explor...
Our first Walking School Bus!
Wow! We had an amazing 87 pupils and parents join Mrs Taylor this morning on our first Walking...
We raised £404.77 for Children in Need !
Our superstar P6's have raised a staggering amount of £404.77 so far for Children in Need! Amazin...
Coleraine Football Club's home fixture against Larne Football Club
Our pupils were excited to attend the family night at Coleraine Football Club's home fixture agai...
The Power of Smiling!
The theme this year for Anti-Bullying week is 'One Kind Word'. Listen to a selection of our won...
Hip Hop afterschool club starts up!
P1 and P2 clas bubbles and P5 and P6 class bubbles are enjoying our Hip Hop afterschool club! ...
Odd Socks Day across the school
A great way to celebrate what makes us all unique and mark the beginning of Anti-Bullying Week wa...
Book Sale for Children in Need raises £123.15
Many thanks to our amazing Primary 6 pupils for organising a pre-loved book sale in aid of Chi...
Visit to Coleraine Football Club!
Our P6 representatives were delighted to attend Coleraine Football Club this morning with Mrs T...