Word Millionaire

Pumpkin Muffins

Paula McIntyre came to visit our school Polytunnel

Primary 5 and Primary 7 enjoying lunch time in their class bubbles! Lots of smiling faces! 👍

P5 and P7 enjoying playtime in their bubbles!

Action Mental Health “Healthy Me” workshop

Art fun in the sun!

First pumpkins harvested from our school Polytunnel by Primary 1

Look out for the balloons to help direct you to your designated door!
First days back at school

Portstewart primary pupils make Rainbows!

Polytunnel photos - May 2020

Primary 6 and 7 Home Learning Links

World Book Day 2020 📚

Star Writers Radio Broadcast

Supper with Santa
Supper With Santa Photos
Supper With Santa

Mad Hair Day 2019

Supper with Santa Colouring competition

Roots of Empathy fun

Odd Socks Day

Roots of Empathy