PE days for each class

08 September 2020

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Message about PE days for each class

Dear parent/guardian,

On days that your child has PE lessons pupils should come to school wearing their school jumper, school polo shirt and a plain navy, black or grey tracksuit bottoms and trainers. This is so pupils will not need to get changed for PE in school. On the days that pupils are not participating in PE it is expected that pupils will wear full school uniform with black school shoes. Pupils in our Nursery Unit should wear their normal Nursery uniform each day which is appropriate for outdoor play and physical movement.

Please find below the details of which day your child/children will be having PE lessons:

Nursery - Outdoor play/physical movement activities each day (wearing their normal Nursery uniform)

Primary 1 - PE on Mondays and Fridays (starting on Monday 14th September)

Primary 2 - PE on Wednesdays and Fridays (starting on Wednesday 16th September)

Primary 3 - PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays (starting on Tuesday 15th September)

Primary 4 - PE on Tuesdays and Fridays (starting on Tuesday 15th September)

Primary 5 - PE on Mondays and Wednesdays (starting on Monday 14th September)

Primary 6 (Mrs Baillie's) - PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays (starting on Tuesday 15th September)

Primary 6 (Mrs Smyth/Miss Anderson's) - PE on Mondays and Fridays (starting on Monday 14th September)

Primary 7 - PE on Wednesdays and Fridays (starting on Wednesday 16th September)

Yours faithfully,

Mrs K Taylor