Return to school advice for parents and carers

02 November 2020

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We look forward to welcoming all our pupils back to school. We are keen to keep our school community as safe as possible. We have therefore put together some general advice which we would encourage parents to adhere to about dropping off and and collecting their child(ren). 

  If possible, only 1 parent/carer should accompany their child(ren) to the designated drop off point whilst maintaining the recommended 2 metres social distancing at all times.

 Please maintain your social distancing from others. Extra ground markings will be placed around the Primary 2, Primary 3 and Primary 5 drop off areas to help with social distancing. 

 Please don’t gather in groups inside the school grounds.

 If possible parents should wear a face mask or face covering to drop off and collect your child(ren). As large numbers of adults are in the school grounds at the one time it may be beneficial for adults to wear face coverings to protect themselves. However, we are aware that some parents/carers are exempt from wearing face masks. 

 If any member of your household is unwell and displaying Covid symptoms, your child should not be in school, please book a test and inform the school.

Let’s keep up the great work as we work to keep our school community safe! 

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Taylor