Return to school reopening arrangements for Nursery to Primary 7

21 August 2020

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Important detailed opening arrangements - please access the link in this email

Dear parent/guardian

As you are aware, the Minister of Education, Mr Peter Weir, has recently revised the guidance for pupils returning to school. All pupils will return to school in full class bubbles, with special measures put in place to help manage risk and prevent individual class bubbles from mixing. Since receiving the guidance, our Board of Governors and staff have reviewed and discussed the new guidance and its implications for our school.

Please find access the link below to read the detailed opening arrangements for all pupils in our Nursery and Primary school:

Return to school opening arrangements for Nursery to Primary 7.pdf

We look forward to the reopening of our school and the return of all of our boys and girls. Thank you once again for your support and understanding throughout this period, especially when the guidance is rapidly changing. Hopefully the detailed opening arrangements document will answer any questions you may have. If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email ([email protected]) or by telephoning the school directly. 

Yours faithfully,

Mrs K Taylor