Vineyard “Turning the Page” Programme

Outdoor learning at the coast for P6/7

Outdoor learning at the coast for P6/7

War Exhibition visit for P6-P7
P6/7 Enjoying Maths Week 2021
Arabian Cultural Pop-Up Cafe

Outdoor Learning

Head Teacher award winners!

Eco-School committee hard at work!



Kandinsky Art

Paula McIntyre came to visit our school Polytunnel

Primary 4 and Primary 6 enjoying lunch time in their class bubbles! 😀

P6S/A enjoyed taking part in the ‘Healthy Me’ programme

Settling into Primary 6!

First pumpkins harvested from our school Polytunnel by Primary 1

Look out for the balloons to help direct you to your designated door!

Portstewart primary pupils make Rainbows!

Polytunnel photos - May 2020

P5 visit from Gavin Bate

Peace Proms Concert

World Book Day 2020 📚