School outside of hours mobile number

14 March 2020

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As a proactive step to support our families we now have a school mobile number for outside of hours support. It is 07716782580. ๐Ÿ“ž

This number is only for our families in Portstewart Primary School and Nursery Unit. If you have any questions or concerns you can telephone the given mobile number and Mrs Taylor will advise parents based on the current situation (if information is available).

In the event of a school closure this mobile number will be used as the main school telephone line. โ˜Ž๏ธ

As you are aware we are closed for a school development day on Monday 16th March. However the main school telephone will operate as normal. School is planned to open to pupils on Tuesday 17th March and close at 12 noon for St Patrickโ€™s Day.

Remember our kids are watching us and learning about how to respond to uncertainty. Letโ€™s not show panic to our kids but support and the building of resilience.

I thank you for your continued support, understanding and patience.

Mrs Taylor (14/03/2020)