Online PTA annual general meeting via Zoom
We hope to hold a PTA annual general meeting on Monday 23rd November at 7.30pm via Zoom. All pare...
Digital version of our November newsletter
Please click on the link below to access our online digital newsletter for November. It contains ...
Mathletics success!
🌟 Hard work and effort our pupils in P3 are putting into their learning at school and at home 🌟We...
School staff raise £100 for Macmillan Cancer Support!
Our school staff held a socially distanced coffee morning during their tea break at the start of ...
Online Virtual Book Fair is NOW live!
We are pleased to announce that we are launching a virtual Book Fair and it is now live! You can ...
Return to school advice for parents and carers
We look forward to welcoming all our pupils back to school. We are keen to keep our school commun...
November 2020 school dinner menu
Click on the link below to access the November 2020 school dinner menu: November 2020 School Dinn...
School reopening for pupils on Tuesday 3rd November
29th October 2020 Dear parents/guardians, Following the confirmation from the Executive t...
Mrs Taylor's fun challenges for over the half term holiday!
Over the incoming two weeks all pupils will be at home. There will be no remote learning so teach...