Mathletics GOLD certificate
🌟🎉👏🏻 Congratulations to one of our P7 pupils who recently earned her Gold Mathletics certificate!...
Joint online Shared Education Carol Service with St Colum's Primary School
Joint online Shared Education Carol Service Normally at this time of year we have a joint Ca...
Primary 5, Primary 6 and Primary 7 Christmas performances!
Our Key Stage 2 pupils have been very busty and have creating digital versions of their Christmas...
December digital newsletter
Please click on the link below to access our online digital newsletter for December. Take a look ...
Apply for a place in our Nursery or Primary School
If you have a child or family member who is due to start Nursery or Primary 1 in September 2021 p...
December 2020 lunch menu
Click on the link below to access the December 2020 school dinner menu.December 2020 menu.pdfPle...
Portstewart Primary receives a certificate in the ReelLife Science competition 2020
Our school entered the ReelLife Science competition 2020 and we have been awarded with a fantas...
ParentPay our new online cashless system!
ParentPay - our new online payment service is live and up and running! We are pleased to announ...
Anti-Bullying Week
The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020 is: United Against Bullying. Anti-Bullying Week will happen...