Gregory Campbell MP visits Portstewart Primary School
Gregory Campbell MP, recently visited Portstewart Primary School to award our children certificat...
Maths Week in Primary 6
This week the children in Primary 6 were working collaboratively, in small groups, enjoying maths...
Ulster Museum Online Art Lessons
🎨 P7 recently enjoyed two online art lessons facilitated by the Ulster Museum. The theme was "Wha...
Maths challenges in P7 for Maths Week!
💡Maths Week💡 P7 enjoyed working together in groups to solve a number of maths puzzles and challen...
PTA Christmas wooden decorations which are personalised to Portstewart
Our school PTA are selling Christmas wooden decorations which are personalised to Portstewart. Th...
Nursery pupils having lots of fun!
Our nursery pupils are settling well into school and having lots of fun!
New lunch menu (27th Sept - 22nd Oct)
Click on the document below to view the school lunch menu which runs from Monday 27th Sept until ...
Accelerated Reader Word Millionaire in P5!
Congratulations to this P5 pupil for becoming an Accelerated Reader Word Millionaire!
PTA annual general meeting
We hope to hold a PTA annual general meeting on Monday 11th October...