Yellow - Cromore House wins on Sports Day
Well done to the Yellow house (Cromore) who won overall the most House points across all of our S...
Polytunnel success!
Our sweetcorn , strawberries , cucumbers , tomatoes and potatoes are all growing well in our...
🏆Sports Day P5/6 🏆
Our P5/6 class bubbles had a fantastic sports day! It was great to see our children cheering each...
Healthy strong teeth!
Nursery had some special visitors into outdoor garden area. A pupil’s daddy and his dental nurse ...
School Tea Towels and Wooden Coasters for Sale!
School Tea Towels and Wooden Coasters for Sale! All of the pupils in our school have contributed ...
New books donated by the PTA!
Many thanks to our school PTA who have recently bought new books for our school library! #We...
More potatoes have been planted!
P5/6SA have been out in our polytunnel planting potatoes which should be ready when they come bac...
Case study written by ETI about our school polytunnel, outdoor learning and engagement with the community!
The Education Training Inspectorate (ETI) has written case studies from five primary schools acro...
Key Stage 2 Internet Safety assembly!
Our Key Stage 2 pupils attended a recent 'The Google Be Internet Legends' online assembly. St Co...